Four Hand Massage Experiences

Four- Handed Massage


There is nothing quite like losing yourself in the relaxation and nurturing care of two amazing massage therapists at the same time. My Four Handed Massage Experiences will leave you satiated, breathless and wanting to come back before you even leave....


Here are a few of the different Four-Handed Massage Experiences that are the most popular with my clients. If you are not sure which one is right for you or you have never had a four handed massage experience, I recommend starting with the Four Hand Ultra Relaxation Experience and work your way from there.

Specific Four Hand Experiences in Seattle, WA


I begin with a lightly choreographed introduction and then follow your body’s lead into deeper and deeper levels of relaxation. As I follow your body I am not just responding to your muscle tone and the physical tightness that is discernible by touch, I am also “listening” and responding to the more subtle signals given off by your nervous system. I will take turns leading and following each other; at times I will separate and each focus on a separate area as I feel led in order to induce a deeper relaxation or use more specialized individual techniques. Each massage is a unique creation designed specifically for your needs. This is more of an intuitive approach rather than a choreographed approach. This means sometimes I am perfectly synchronized and other times I might both be working on a different area or at a different depth, but I am always in perfect harmony with each other and with what your body needs in each moment.

Four Hand Ultra Relaxation Experiences


It is the fusion that makes this experience so amazing! In the Ultra Relaxation experience above, the two therapists are working together as individuals to provide your experience. However in a Four Hand Fusion Session, they are working as one symbiotic person. Reacting to, with, around, and through each other. The energy, flow, and physical touch is unlike anything you have ever experienced. When the potential of this massage is fully realized, you are brought into the fusion dynamic and seemingly become one with the therapists.

Four Hand Fusion Experience


This experience is not for the weak or meek. This is one of the most thorough, challenging, and deep massage experiences that you will ever have. It is intended for professional athletes, dancers and very, very "durable" individuals. Because of the very high level of physical and mental exertion required for these sessions, I ask that you personally contact me to request a session and understand I may not be able to accept every request for this service. You can email (, text or call (206.817.5896)



The draping for Four Hand Massage and Bodywork is less modest than traditional western massage and it is highly recommended that no loose undergarments are worn. If you want to wear clothing for the experience I recommend tight fitting sportswear that I can massage over without breaking the flow of my work. I say this because of the long, integrative, full-body strokes that are used in this type of work and the fact that two therapists are working on one person at the same time. Traditional draping is too cumbersome for the work being done. That being said, the draping is always professional and tailored to the modesty level of the client. Please ask me any questions that you have about draping so that you are completely comfortable.

Session Length

I usually suggest a minimum of 90 minutes for any massage with a single therapist. However, given that there are twice the hands working in a Four Hand Massage, one-hour can be long enough for a complete massage experience, especially for your first Four Hand Massage Experience. If you are not sure how long to book your first session, I can talk more about what is best for you when you contact me to schedule.

Other details

In case it matters to you, I usually feel that having a male and a female therapist provides a great balance (Yin/Yang) for your first Four Hand Massage experience. So unless you have a strong preference and specify otherwise, you will usually get Keighli and I for your first Four Hand Massage Experience at Touch Factor Massage in Magnolia. 

Booking a Four Hand Session

I recommend that you schedule your Four Hand Massage Experiences as far in advance as possible as it can be difficult to find a time when Keighli and I am both available on short notice. Even when I am bringing in another therapist to join me, I only work with the absolute best therapists in the area and they can be pretty busy at times as well. So whenever I am coordinating an appointment that requires another therapists, that can take a little finesse, and the more time I have to coordinate, the better. 

Also, I usually require prepayment for Four Handed and Couple's Massages.

Do You Have Any Other Questions? 

Ask me any questions that you have about my Four-Handed Massage or any thing else massage related and I will do my best to answer them!


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