Pay What You Can


One of the main reasons people can not afford to take CE classes is that they are not making enough money. Come get the skills and mentoring you need to earn what you should be earning! 

I am a big believer in lifelong learning, especially when it comes to massage and bodywork. I take all of the continuing education courses that I can fit into my budget and schedule, and I understand that both can be very tight. Accordingly, I like to keep the pricing for my continuing education courses very reasonable. Unless otherwise indicated a four-hour course is $85 and eight-hour is course $175. That is around $21 per CEU or hour.

However, I want to make my CE classes available to as many people as possible so I try to have a "Pay What You Can" policy for all of the classes that I teach. Just use the promotion code PWYC25 to take 25% off of a class or PWYC50 to take 50% off of a class. If you need a larger discount just let me know. This has worked well for the last 8 years because people only use it when they really need it, and I never really know who has paid full for a class or not because I do not keep track. So please use it if you need to. 

*I can't offer PWYC on the classes that I fly people in to teach because I need to pay them for teaching as well as for their lodging and travel etc. I also do not offer it on my business classes at this time. 

Please note that this is not a promotion or marketing tactic. I want to make my classes available to as many people as possible as long as it makes financial sense to do so. I want to see the overall quality of massage and bodywork in our area become much, much better. I want to see therapists completely fulfilled by their work as well as being financially rewarded for doing amazing work. I also teach these classes because I am passionate about becoming the absolute best massage therapist and bodyworker that I can be, and teaching makes me so much better at what I do. Lastly, I want to share that passion with other equally motivated therapists whether they are comfortable financially or not.

All I ask in return are three things:

  1. Don't use the discount if you don't really need it (but use it often if you do) and only take as much of a discount that you really need. There are a lot of costs associated with teaching CE classes and it is the responsible use of the discounts that make this possible.
  2. Please, please, please do not no-show me after using a discount. You will be taking up a space that could be used by someone else. This would be disrespectful to me and my business as well as the rest of our community who could have actually used the spot that you are taking.
  3. Pass this along when you can by teaching a class or mentoring someone under similar conditions when you have the opportunity!

The table below gives an outline of how the discount codes work and you can click on the links to be taken to my class registration page.

Promo Code 4 Hours 8 Hours
Normal Price $85.00 $175.00 Register and Pay Normal Price
PWYC25 $63.75 $131.25 Register with a 25% discount
PWYC50 $42.50 $87.50 Register with a 50% discount

A Note To CE Providers: When I first started offering PWYC classes around 8 years ago other instructors advised me that it was not going to work or I would end up losing money. However, my experience has been the opposite. My classes are as financially sustainable as they have ever been and more people have been able to attend because of this. It is a very small portion of my overall registrations, so I feel like people are being thoughtful and not abusing the opportunity. So come, give it a try and see what happens!

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